Friday, March 30, 2012

PSAs, LSAs... a-okay?

As we approach the next vote (April 17th and 18th), I've been concerned about the effects on our Network and our initiatives and projects. Many, if not most, of our projects happen within class time, and can be classified as "curricular". If you run a club, then perhaps we should huddle and discuss how you can continue without incurring the wrath of your colleagues.

PSAs (Provincial Specialist Associations), LSAs (Local Specialist Associations) and other Professional Development, are all still acceptable. Pro D must be teacher-initiated, teacher-led (yes, you can have guest leaders,) and voluntary. Your Administration cannot direct you to specific ProD. (Although if they happen to suggest something that you like, by all means, take the suggestion).

Since the Network email list is a closed forum, it may be a suitable place to ask questions and discuss items. If you would prefer a face to face discussion, we could plan another Green Teacher meet-up. Let me know!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is EELSA?

EELSA, or the Environmental Educator's Local Specialist Association, is a local chapter of EEPSA, the Environmental Educator's Provincial Specialist Association. (Okay - truth be told, we're not formally a local chapter. But we thought we were. I'm trying to sort out all the red tape right now. We ARE an LSA in Coquitlam's eyes, we just haven't caught onto all the details as required by the BCTF)
There are two sets of criteria for an LSA:
Under the CTA's policies:
 In order to be recognized as an LSA of the CTA the following criteria must be met: (AGM 2002)
1. There shall be a PSA in existence. If there is not a PSA, a Representative Assembly must approve the LSA.
2. A representative shall be named to the LSA Council. 
3. At least one workshop on the CTA PD Day shall be sponsored. 
4. At least three LSA meetings shall be held each school year.
Under BCTF policy:
1. Any interested group may form a chapter. As soon as members have made a decision to organize, they should inform the local PD chairperson and the provincial specialist association’s president or chapter co-ordinator.
2. The majority of chapter members must belong to the PSA with which the chapter is affiliated. 
3. A chapter has certain responsibilities to its local union. It should keep the executive informed of its plans and projects and should go through the local union in any business with the school board or superintendent.
4. The executive of a chapter is elected from the membership at a general meeting of members held annually [usually in the late spring for the following term]. All members of the chapter executive must be PSA members and active BCTF members. 

Essentially, an LSA provides Professional Development opportunities for teachers in their District.

How does EELSA differ from the Green Teachers Network? Or does it?

To be considered a member of EELSA, you need to demonstrate some interest e.g. attending meetings, ask to be informed of meetings and events, or somehow identify yourself as interested. There are no membership fees at this time, and no formal membership list. In order for the LSA to maintain good standing, at least half its members must belong to EEPSA, and the Executive must all be EEPSA members.

To be a member of the Green Teacher's Network you need to have an SD43 email address, since the Network is primarily an internal distribution list and most of the information gets distributed through the District email system. 

EELSA meetings are open to all District staff and the general public. We alternate meeting locations between the schools of the Executive members, which, to date, have been in Port Coquitlam.

Check out of the rest of Coquitlam's LSAs! Where there is no rep listed, there is currently no LSA, but it's easy enough to start/restart one. It helps to have a network for support, especially in interesting times such as these ;-) 
(More truth? It's actually much easier to have a Coquitlam-only LSA than it is to set up a Local Chapter. However, if the corresponding PSA is interested in having a chapter, they can probably be very helpful)