Friday, April 20, 2012

Got Outdoors!

Despite last night's torrential rain, today's Pro D day was sunny and warm. Good thing, because "Get Outdoors" isn't just a workshop title, it's an instruction!

We had about 32 participants at the workshop held at Kilmer today, and even though I don't get to read the feedback sheets, it looked like everyone was having a good time! I had fun!

We discussed curriculum connections, and how getting your class outdoors isn't doing "one more thing", it's just taking your learning to a different location. We looked at meeting the PLOs out of the classroom and even found out that being outside playing in the dirt makes you happier, scientifically.

Everyone received a resource guide (over 100 pages of activities), and some other goodies. I really love the big, laminated satellite maps of the region - now that I have 6 of them, I can distribute one per group, and turn my students loose exploring the maps.

On the edge of Kilmer's "forest" we played games and discussed how to adapt and extend them for all grade levels. The Get Outdoors workshop can be offered in short and long versions - which is great, because I think I could happily have played outside all day.

I'm looking for dates to book Get Outdoors again next year. If you'd like to check it out, let me know.

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